Riding the Waves | My Mission | My Work
Hello Savannah! Welcome to Soul Waves Studio!
I am Dana Danielson, owner and founder. I am a native of the Savannah area. This business concept of “connecting the community around wellness,” has been a long-time desire and vision. Even with the setbacks of the world’s “great pause” my vision remains strong although it’s shifting into some new variation.
The original mission was to offer people of the community ways to connect with holistic and wellness practitioners …. all under one roof.
Unfortunately, that version of the business did not survive the pandemic. In 2022, I had to downsize and move to a smaller space.
Actually I had to downsize a couple of times and now it is just me, one room, and my 1:1 practice. Sort of!
My current mission is to continue 1:1 Client Work while creating Wellness Workshops and Classes throughout the community.
And as time and resources allow, I will expand the business in some form to support and connect our community of Wellness Practitioners with the people who are seeking holistic ways to Feel Good!
I am an Artist, Seeker of Truth, Dancing Fool, Nature Mama, Healer, Connector, Prince Fan, and more.
My roots are deeply southern. My soul is most alive on the dance floor and in nature. My heart is tender and also strong. My time alone (at home) is essential and yet I also thrive in true connection with partners and community.
I share my life with an amazing husband, a sweet cat, and a plethora of plants. Essential to our world are the simple things we enjoy every single day: cooking tasty and nutritious food, listening to music, savoring a cocktail, and being together or with friends.
I am blessed to know I was created from love and have immense love in my life. I am devoted to my soul’s path. I am here to share my gifts.
I have a Bachelors of Art with an Art Education Certification. I studied Esalen Massage at Esalen Institute and Craniosacral Therapy with the Upledger Institute. I am a certified teacher of the Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms and have studied with Gabrielle and with many teachers for 25 years now.
I’m currently studying Sacred Contracts and Archetypal Consulting with the Caroline Myss group.
I’ve worked in the corporate world as a photographer and technical writer as well as in the arts and art education. And now as an entrepreneur I strive to create an offering that blends my gifts in the healing arts and my deep passion for community.
My gift is to listen and to be present with others. Using these gifts combined with different methods and modalities, I support clients along their path of awareness and embodiment. In turn this leads to discovering a deep place of Inner Calm and Inner Knowing.
That’s all to say, I help others to slow down and listen. To feel into the moment and to allow “Whatever Is” to be fully felt and experienced. And perhaps even embraced. In this place of ‘allowing and acceptance’ is where the real shifts begin. This is where the healing happens.
Photo Credit: Judy Lombard