Dana Danielson | Licensed Massage Therapist #MT004828
Hello! I’m Dana! I have been doing massage since 2006 and I love serving people in this way! In fact I think it’s one of those “gifts” I was given to share in this world. I grew up in a family where we routinely did “touch therapy” for each other, even when we didn’t know that’s what we were doing! We rubbed feet, shoulders, backs and arms. It’s just what we did! It was just the beginning to my journey of learning about “touch” and how powerful and healing (and essential) it is for physical, mental and emotional well-being.
An added depth to my work comes from my studies of Craniosacral Therapy with the Upledger Institute since 2015. I first began my massage career when I studied Esalen Massage at Esalen Institute in 2006. My work has been heavily influenced by the following: Esalen Massage (intuitive and long flowing, strokes), Lomi-Lomi, Thai Massage, Integrative Reflexology, 5Rhythms / Movement Meditation, Therapeutic Essential Oils, Archetypal studies and more. All of these influences come together to create a deeply intuitive and healing experience.
I OFFER 1:1 SESSIONS IN: Craniosacral Therapy, Esalen Massage and a blend of these things plus more. You can find the booking link under Services & Booking.
ALL SESSIONS TYPICALLY INCLUDE: (at no extra charge) Young Living Essential Oils, Hot Towels, Hot Stones (during cool weather), a clean and quiet setting, plus ample time before and after your session so you do not feel rushed.
“NO TIPPING” POLICY - You pay what the cost of the session and that’s that! There’s no awkward guessing of how much is enough. I do not work for commission at a spa so I like to (and can) keep it clean and simple! The ultimate tip is for you to come again and to share about my work with your friends and family.
If you are interested in upcoming Classes, the best way to stay informed is her Newsletter as well as her Facebook Page: Soul Waves Studio https://www.facebook.com/soulwavesstudio/
First, LET’S GET DEEP….. about Dana’s less-is-more approach to working with deeper tissues and issues!
Most people tend to think that you have to use a lot of force and hard pressure to release those stubborn knotted muscles! But I’m asking you, “Isn’t it time to TRY something different!?” To open your mind to another way because I know from a lot of experience… there really IS another way!
My way of working (described in detail below) comes at it from the “Inside-to-Outside” you might say. By calming the core of the body, the Central Nervous System (CNS), first and foremost - everything else releases and relaxes much faster. When the CNS sends the signal to the brain and all parts of the body, that “it’s in a safe place”, then and only then, does the body (and mind) let down the blocks and barriers (aka, super tight muscles and over-active mind!)
If you are like me, and you are dealing with chronic pain or perhaps anxiety / mental-overwhelm and you haven’t founda modality or treatment that helps, it is probably time to try something different! Through my own journey of pain, I discovered the modalities that helped me in a more sustainable and lasting way. And I have studied and practiced those things so I can bring them to you!
Bottom line is… if something about my work is calling you, I find that it’s wise to listen to your Inner Knowing.
Esalen Massage with Dana
ESALEN MASSAGE IS BEST KNOWN for its long flowing strokes and for the feeling of connection, presence and deep relaxation. Various techniques are integrated into the session including gentle rocking, compressions, stretches, still-pauses and much more.
Focused attention (for trouble-areas) is woven into the long relaxing strokes along with other techniques to create a customized experience. Although there are times we can go deeper into the tissue, there is never force or push to do this.
Again this is a massage that does not push or force into the tissue. However, much like Craniosacral Therapy (CST) this gentler touch goes deep!
In fact, some CST is usually incorporated as well. Essentially with my work, we support the body to open and release by first settling the nervous system. Then the tissue naturally opens and softens, and is ready for various pressure and techniques.
Each session is customized for each person, each time, depending upon your needs that day. It may include many different modalities but DOES NOT include forceful deep-tissue work. Most people find it very surprising at how much tissue release can happen without the usual way of pushing.
Craniosacral Therapy with Dana
CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY (CST) IS A GENTLE-TOUCH, whole body treatment, which works to support a healthy central nervous system. Less force means your body is guiding the movement and this usually results in more effective and longer-lasting relief. This work goes deep without pushing.
Using a soft-touch, the practitioner releases restrictions in the craniosacral system, which has been shown to improve functions of the craniosacral system as well as many other systems of the body, such as digestive, musculoskeletal, respiratory, circulatory and more.
What is Craniosacral Therapy (CST) andSomato-Emotional Release?
I personally receive this work on a regular basis and don’t know how I’d survive if I did not! I have found this practice offers me more lasting and sustainable relief from major issues, including chronic nerve pain due to various vertebrae/spine problems in my lower and upper spine. It also helps me to clear the cobwebs from my mind and emotional field so that I can function much better in life. When life begins to feel like too much and my body is hurting, I know it’s time for me to get on the table!
I have found that my experience is similar to that of most clients, as they have come to trust this process which might seem unbelievably subtle at first. Stubborn pain issues will often release or soften. Most experience better sleep or rest. Among many issues related to the Central Nervous System, CST can be tremendously helpful with lowering stress and anxiety. As the nervous system enters a calm and quiet place, a sense of Inner Peace is usually felt.Many clients express after a session: “This is the deepest state of relaxation that I have ever felt.”
“It’s not magic, but it IS magical!” says one of my teachers.It’s not easy to describe but for some reason, the body seems to respond to the lighter touch and direct intentions by releasing, shifting or unwinding. As the giver, my hands are assisting your body to do what it innately knows to do. Deep tissues will move. My hands follow and assist the tissue to shift, release, open or unwind.
Again, because the Central Nervous System is settled so deeply, the body can then release more deeply. It is not, in essence, “energy work”, however because we are physical beings and energetic beings, one can’t shift without the other also shifting. And therefore energy will also move as tissue opens and releases. As a result, most people describe afterwards that they feel much lighter, more open, and more clear.
It is also true that emotions may surface during or after a session. Emotions are one type of energy that moves through the body tissue. If you should choose to, we may enter into Somato-Emotional Release work at any time in a session. This is a deeper level of CST, and just simply means that “we dialogue with the body.” It might sound something like: “Describe what sensations you are aware of in the body right now. Where is the sensation located? Does a word or image come to your mind?”
I love to share the story of the first CST session I received. I feel like it speaks volumes for the fact that it can certainly be a “mind-trip” to explore a new way of healing.So there I was, lying on the table. I found myself very relaxed and yet I didn’t think I felt anything happening. But the next day, my body felt like I’d had very deep tissue work on my trouble areas. And yet still, I wasn’t so sure about it.
At the time, I was having intensely, chronic pain that was ongoing for several years. I had tried so many things… traditional and non-traditional, and the issues weren’t improving. That’s when I decided I had to try CST. Something about that first session kept calling me back. I knew I needed to try it some more and so I did. Over the next couple of sessions, I finally began to feel the super-stuck and knotted tissue start to release. I didn’t understand WHY it was working, I just knew it was and I had to keep doing it.
First of all, I almost always feel the tissue moving and releasing when I am touching a client. Some clients feel the tissue shifting as well. Some clients feel the sensations more as they get more sessions. However some clients do not feel things happening in a session and may not ever! I do believe, and trust, that they are still getting benefits from the session even if they do not “feel something” happening.
Simply put, the shifts in the body may seem so subtle (at first) that it’s not in a person’s “zone of awareness.” So if a client doesn’t have the interest or experience in deepening their body awareness, then most likely, it’s just not the right time for them.
The real challenge for most everyone is allowing their mindto be open to, and trusting, a different kind of process. And giving it enough of a chance that they might feel the shifts. Most are only familiar with massage that digs in and sometimes even hurts. And most people tend to believe, that is the only way to make a change. When a person is ready to deepen their awareness, then that’s the time that CST is a better fit.